How to make your own coconut oil

Homemade coconut oil recipe

This video will show you how to make your own co­conut oil!

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Con­duct the ex­per­i­ment un­der adult su­per­vi­sion only.


  • co­conut;
  • ham­mer;
  • blender;
  • glass of drink­ing wa­ter;
  • glass con­tain­er;
  • glass jar with a lid.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Use a screw­driv­er and a ham­mer to bore some holes in a co­conut. Drain the co­conut wa­ter into a glass. Care­ful­ly break the co­conut with the ham­mer and sep­a­rate the flesh from the hard shell. Blend the flesh with one cup of drink­ing wa­ter. Fil­ter the re­sult­ing mass through gauze into a glass con­tain­er. Leave the con­tain­er in the fridge for 12 hours to al­low the co­conut oil to sep­a­rate from the milk. The co­conut oil will form a hard lay­er on top of the mix­ture. Re­frig­er­ate in a glass jar with a lid. Store for no longer than two weeks.

Process de­scrip­tion

Co­conut oil is ob­tained from co­pra, oth­er­wise known as co­conut pulp. It hard­ens to form a white sol­id at tem­per­a­tures be­low 25 C (77°F), but read­i­ly melts in the hands. Co­conut oil con­tains sat­u­rat­ed fat­ty acids such as lau­ric, myris­tic, palmitic, and ole­ic; more­over, it con­tains vi­ta­mins E and K. Co­conut oil ef­fec­tive­ly mois­tur­izes dry skin, and can re­place veg­etable oils and an­i­mal fats in food prod­ucts. It can also be used in hair and skin care, to clean met­al ob­jects, and to care for wood­en fur­ni­ture.