Sugar cube

Molecular formula:
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C12H22O11 – sucrose – in its pure form is most often prepared as a fine, white, odorless crystalline powder with a sweet taste. It is a carbohydrate composed of glucose and fructose, and is derived from such plants as sugar cane and sugar beet. People used to chew sugar cane before they knew how to process it into granules. Nowadays, sucrose is added to many foods, such as juices, ketchup, yogurt, chocolate, and other sweets. Sucrose is a valuable product that provides the organism with necessary energy that our bodies can quickly and easily digest and assimilate. But don't forget that excessive sugar consumption leads to a glucose increase in the blood and a heightened risk of some diseases!

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Hazard information

This reagent is considered nonhazardous according to GHS classifications. Treat all reagents with caution.