How does virtual lab work?
Choose a topic
The teacher chooses the science topic and sets up the
Get completed assignments
Students conduct the virtual experiments and submit their answers.
See statistics
We’ll mark the results so you can see strengths and
areas for improvement for every child.
“The closest thing to practical experiments... so real you can almost smell it.”
— Denis B., science teacher
Physical and chemical simulations
In our laboratories, students will be able to closely observe real processes, monitor the interdependence of certain parameters, and speed up and slow down time.
All labs in one and for free
Heating lab
Explore what happens at high temperatures.
Materials lab
Perform physical tests with different materials.
Freezing lab
Freeze the substance and explore its properties.
Plants lab
Grow a plant in controlled conditions.
Electron microscope
Dive into a substance to see the atoms.
Optical microscope
Zoom in and explore cells and crystals.
Supports educational standards
MEL Lab is aligned with national science curriculum standards
NGSS and K—12. We also support CPD for primary school
teachers and are ready to provide assistance from experienced

Loved by teachers around the world
Doing life like experiments in the context of a guided simulationallows for structured exploration.

Hands-on experiments get kids interested and inspire them to learn! This is the closest thing to getting that for free.

I have dreamed of having every science experiment in my pocket so I can teach kids everywhere. This is it.

Endorsed by experts
Become the best teacher with virtual lab
Learn by doing
Practical skills connected with science.
Dive into every substance and area
VR/AR help show how scientific laws work.
Live lessons with professional teachers.
Explore real science
All lessons are based on modern science from experts.