How to make a glowing fountain at home
What happens when you put a Mento in tonic water
Did you know that even the most ordinary tonic water glows under UV light? In this experiment, we’ll show you how to make a glowing fountain using tonic water!
Safety precautions
Reagents and equipment
- UV light;
- standard tonic water (containing quinine);
- Mentos.
Step-by-step instructions
Perform this experiment in a darkened room. Turn on your UV light and toss 2 Mentos into a bottle of tonic water. Enjoy the glowing fountain!
Process description
Tonic water contains a substance known as quinine. Quinine’s molecules absorb UV light and release the energy as blue light. This phenomenon is known as fluorescence.
Fizzy drinks contain a large quantity of dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which gradually escapes after the bottle is opened. This process can be hastened by adding a Mento or two. The rough surface of the candy aids the release of a large quantity of carbon dioxide gas, which jets out of the bottleneck like a fountain. Meanwhile, the additives in the tonic water and Mentos also contribute to the formation of the foam.