We are an approved vendor with the following schools:
- ACE Ohio, Ohio
- Alder Grove Charter School, CA
- American River Charter School
- Anoka-Ramsey Community College, MN
- Arbor Academy
- Arkansas EFA, AR
- Athénée Royal Rochefort-Jemelle
- Augusta Christian Schools
- Aveson Charter School, CA
- Ben's Ford Christian School, LA
- Berean Christian Jr. Academy, GA
- Blue Ridge Academy
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Weld County, CO
- Bridges Virtual Academy/Merrill Area Public Schools, WI
- Cabrillo Point Academy
- California University of Science and Medicine, CA
- Capistrano USD, CA
- Children First Education Fund (UT), Utah
- Chugach School District, AK
- Chula Vista Elementary School District
- Citrus Springs Charter School
- Clarksville Charter School
- ClassWallet, AZ
- Coastal Academy, CA
- Coastal Grove Charter School
- Coastal Grove Charter School, CA
- Community Montessori
- COMPASS Charter Schools
- CORE Butte Charter School
- CORE Charter School
- County Collaborative Charter School
- CUSD Capistrano Virtual School, CA
- CyberLynx - Nenana City Public School
- Danish Refugee Council
- Dear Tree Learning Center and Art Studio
- Deer Park School District, WA
- Dehesa Charter
- Delta C-7 School District
- Dimensions Collaborative
- DonorsChoose
- Douglass ISD, TX
- EBUS Academy
- Eisenhower High School
- Element Education, Inc
- Elite Academy
- Empire Springs Charter School
- Empower Learning Center Teen and Adult Education
- Epic Charter Schools, OK
- ESA Indiana
- EverGreen Academy
- Excel Academy (Community Collaborative Charter Schools)
- Feaster Charter School, CA
- Feather River Charter School
- Fort Sage Unified School District (Mt. Lassen Charter School)
- Garden City High School, KS
- Georgia Military College Prep School
- Global Christian Foreign School
- Gorman Learning Center
- Grace St. Luke's Episcopal School, TN
- Granite Mountain Charter School
- Grant Elementary School District, CA
- Greater Latrobe School District, PA
- Greater San Diego Academy, CA
- Gymnasium Ursulaschule
- (HACIL) Hayward Centre for Indivisualized Learning, WA
- Hampshire County Council
- Hanover Middle School, PA
- Harbor Springs Charter School
- Harvest Ridge Cooperative Charter School
- Hastings Secondary College
- Heartland Charter School
- Heartwood Charter School
- Heritage Peak Charter School (HPCS)
- Hickman Community Charter District
- Hmong College Prep Academy, MN
- Horizon Charter School
- Hull High School (Hull Public Schools)
- IDEA Alaska
- iLEAD Hybrid dba iLEAD California Charters 1
- iLEAD Lancaster
- iLEAD SCVi Exploration
- Ingoldisthorpe Primary School
- Innovations Learning Academy
- Inpsire Charter Schools
- International School for Science and Culture, CA
- James I O'Neill High School
- JC Crumpton Elementary, CA
- JCS Family, CA
- Kansas KEEP, Kansas
- Kingston University
- Kispiox Community School
- Knights of Light Academy
- Lake View Charter School
- Lauko darzelis
- Literacy First Charter Schools, CA
- Loon Lake School District
- Lund International School
- Maywood School Capital Region BOCES
- Mercury Mine Elementary
- Meridian School District 505, WA
- Merrill Area Public Schools, WI
- Mission Vista Academy
- Monarch River Academy
- Monticello Intermediate School (Monticello School District), AR
- Naaleh High School for Girls, NJ
- National University Academy 1001 STEAM (NUA1001STEAM)
- Nenana City School District, AK
- New England College, NH
- Nome Public Schools, AK
- Northern New Mexico College, NM
- Northern United - Siskiyou Charter School
- Oakland Academy
- Ocean Grove
- Odyssey, ID
- Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School, Alaska
- Outwood Primary
- Overture Learning, ID
- Pacific Coast Academy
- Pacific Springs Charter School
- Paisley School
- Partners in Education
- Peak Prep Pleasant Valley, CA
- Phase3 Lab School, CA
- Pittsfield Elementary School, NH
- Queen of Peace Catholic Academy, FL
- Red Balloon NWL
- Rio Valley Charter School (RVCS)
- River Springs Charter School
- Sage Oak
- San Diego County Office of Education, CA
- SCALE Leadership Academy, CA
- Search Results Web results Shelby County Schools, TN
- SelfDesign Learning Community
- Sheridan School District #2, Colorado
- Silvies River Charter School, OR
- SINAI Schools, NJ
- Sky Mountain
- SoCal Scholars Academy, CA
- South Shore Charter Public School, MA
- South Sutter
- Step up for students
- St. Timothy Catholic School
- Suncoast Preparatory Academy, CA
- Sutter Peak Charter Academy (SPCA)
- Taylion Homeschool, CA
- The Center for Early Education, CA
- The Classical Academy
- The Cottonwood School
- The Flint Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, MI
- Three Lakes School District, WI
- Three Rivers Elementary School, TX
- Traditional Learning Academy, BC
- Tri-County Special Education, IL
- Twin Ridges Home Study
- Uncharted Shores Academy, CA
- Union Pointe Academy, KY
- Union Pointe Academy, KY
- Valley View Charter Prep (VVCP)
- Visions In Education, CA
- Vista Oaks
- Vista Springs Charter School
- Voice Integrative School
- Wellesley Public School, MA
- Westford Public Schools, MA
- WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich
- Winship Community School, CA
- Yosemite Valley Charter School
- Yukon-Koyukuk School District (Raven Homeschool), AK
For more information or to ask a question, please contact us at homeschool@melscience.com
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Are you an ESL student who uses ClassWallet? ClassWallet requests that you subscribe first on our website with your own funds, then submit a request to them for reimbursement.