Make Dichloroethane molecule
In this lab you will make dichloroethane by assembling ethylene and chlorine molecules first. You will be able to switch between different molecule representations: ball and stick, space filling, and structural and skeletal.
This lesson is a part of MEL VR Science Simulations. Learn more →
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Welcome to the MEL Science molecule constructor. Let's start our lab by building an ethylene molecule.

Keep in mind that you don't have to think about double bonds here.
They will appear after you assemble your molecule.

Great! This is what a ball-and-stick model of ethylene looks like.

Ethylene can react with the chlorine to form 1,2-dichloroethane

Now let's take an ethylene molecule and chlorine molecule.
Try to rearrange bonds between atoms to get 1,2-dichloroethane.
You can add or remove bond by clicking on two atoms sequentially.

Correct! This is a 1,2-dichloroethane molecule.
In real life, 1,2-dichloroethane can be used as degreaser and paint remover.

After checking out different molecular representations you can finish this Lab by pressing the Exit button.