"Fiery glass-cutter" experiment
How to cut a glass bottle using acetone and woolen thread
We all know that it’s easy to cut a plastic bottle. But what if you have to cut a glass bottle instead, will you be able to do that? If you watch our video you will!
Reagents and equipment:
- glass bottle;
- woolen thread;
- acetone;
- water;
- large beaker.
Step-by-step instructions
Take a glass bottle and tie the woolen thread around the middle. Soak it in acetone, light the acetone and gradually turn the bottle to make it heat evenly. After a few minutes, immerse the bottle in the beaker of water. The bottle will crack along the line of the woolen thread and break into three pieces, Carefully take the lower part of the bottle out of the water and file the edge. The DIY vintage glass is ready!
Processes description
The acetone in the woolen thread burns with the release of a great amount of heat. The bottle needs to be constantly turned so that the bottle is heated evenly, and does not crack in a random place. When it is heated evenly, the glass heats up and expands. When it is suddenly cooled, uneven compression takes place: on cooling down, the outer layer contracts and drastically compresses the inner layer, which has not yet cooled and contracted. As a result, the bottle cracks along the line of heating.
Safety precautions
Observe safety rules when working with fire.