The characteristics of copper, and the reaction of the metal with nitric acid Stable metal Vs. Strong oxidizer
Hydrogen’s characteristics, properties, and interactions with oxygen The lightest element
Characteristics and methods of obtaining chlorine, and its reaction with water Interesting facts about a powerful oxidizer
Characteristics of aluminum and its combustion Making it burn
The reaction of aluminum with hydrogen and other substances Chemical properties of the most common metal
How to describe salt as a mineral More than just the spice
How many explosions can you make? Take the test and find out how well …
Methods of copper oxidation How it reacts with air
How to equip your home lab Where to start learning chemistry at home
How to prepare a soap base Homemade soap recipes
Acetic acid in everyday life Things you should know about vinegar
What is the philosopher’s stone? Did the alchemists succeed
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects