Barium An element that forms heavy minerals
Exothermic reaction How to boil eggs without fire and electricity
"Carbon snake" experiment How to make a huge black snake of …
About compounds of sulfur and oxygen How sulfur is oxidized
Some facts about mercury, or another way to apply potassium permanganate Main properties of mercury and potassium permanganate
Strontium A metal with a reputation tainted by underground …
"Artificial Snow" experiment How to make snow with water and sodium …
10 splendid questions about the chemistry of fireworks Pass this quiz and see if you can …
“Flag in a Test Tube” experiment How to wake a three-layered mixture
"Dazzling Flame" experiment How magnesium burns in the water vapor
"Chemical Teleport" experiment Sublimation of iodine
Caesium: a metal used to check clocks The first element discovered by spectral analysis
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry
One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects