Dry ice: the coldest smoke machine

How to make soap bubbles using dry ice

The most “nat­u­ral” smoke and bub­bles gen­er­a­tor!

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

  • Do not re­peat your­self, un­der pro­fes­sion­al su­per­vi­sion only.

Reagents and equip­ment

  • glass con­tain­er;
  • dry ice;
  • boil­ing wa­ter;
  • liq­uid soap;
  • cot­ton thread;
  • soap bub­bles;
  • deep con­tain­er.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Put the dry ice in a con­tain­er and fill it with boil­ing wa­ter. Car­bon diox­ide re­leas­es rapid­ly. Make a soap film with the liq­uid soap and thread on the con­tain­er's sur­face. Car­bon diox­ide will in­flate a huge soap bub­ble! And if you add liq­uid soap straight to the wa­ter and dry ice mix­ture, you'll see a large amount of foam.

Put the dry ice in a deep con­tain­er and fill it with hot wa­ter. Blow soap bub­bles into the formed cloud of car­bon diox­ide. Bub­bles won't fall on the wa­ter's sur­face but hang in the air.

Process de­scrip­tion

Dry ice is a sol­id state of car­bon diox­ide. It has a tem­per­a­ture of -78.5 ° C (-109 ° F). The high­er the tem­per­a­ture of the medi­um, the more in­tense the dry ice goes from sol­id to a gaseous form. When in­ter­act­ing with hot wa­ter, loads of gas bub­bles are re­leas­ing. They in­flate soap bub­bles and foam eas­i­ly. Car­bon diox­ide is heav­ier than air, so it ac­cu­mu­lates in the con­tain­er. When you in­flate soap bub­bles near the car­bon diox­ide con­tain­er, they don't sink near the wa­ter's sur­face but hov­er at the air-car­bon diox­ide bor­der.