Homemade apple cider vinegar

How to make a volcano using homemade apple vinegar

An easy way to make ap­ple cider vine­gar at home!

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Per­form this ex­per­i­ment only un­der adult su­per­vi­sion.


  • 1L glass bot­tle;
  • 500g ap­ples;
  • 50g sug­ar;
  • warm drink­ing wa­ter;
  • gauze;
  • rub­ber band.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Cut 500g ap­ples into small pieces and trans­fer them to a 1L glass bot­tle. Add 50g sug­ar and fill ap­prox­i­mate­ly ¾ full with warm drink­ing wa­ter. Store in a warm, dark place for 3 weeks. Fil­ter and trans­fer to an­oth­er glass con­tain­er for stor­age.

Process de­scrip­tion

Ap­ple cider vine­gar is a pop­u­lar sal­ad dress­ing and mari­nade. It has a less pun­gent smell and low­er acid con­cen­tra­tion than reg­u­lar vine­gar. It is de­rived from ap­ples with the help of bac­te­ria liv­ing on ap­ple peels, Ace­to­bac­ter aceti. First, un­der the in­flu­ence of var­i­ous micro­organ­isms, sug­ar is bro­ken down to ethyl al­co­hol in a process known as fer­men­ta­tion. And the Ace­to­bac­ter aceti, in turn, process ethyl al­co­hol into acetic acid, lead­ing to the grad­u­al for­ma­tion of ap­ple cider vine­gar. It main­ly con­sists of or­gan­ic acids, con­tain­ing acetic, mal­ic, lac­tic, ox­al­ic, and cit­ric acids. It also con­tains mi­cro and macro el­e­ments such as sodi­um, potas­si­um, cal­ci­um, and more. Its acetic acid con­cen­tra­tion usu­al­ly ranges from 3-6%. You can use the vine­gar you make in your culi­nary ex­ploits!