Molecular representation
We will show you different molecule representations. We will take one molecule and see several ways how we can show it.
This lesson is a part of MEL VR Science Simulations. Learn more →
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Teacher's notes
molecules, atoms, bonds, ball and stick model, space-filling model, electron density model, structural model, skeletal formula, molecular formula
Students will
- Learn different ways to represent molecules
- Find out which representation is suitable for each purpose
Hands-on activities
After VR
Ask students to build ball and stick molecule models.
Topics to discuss
- Tube or rail map analogy: representing real-life objects a certain way, taking into account what information we want to deliver. Compare two maps: a tube map and a city map with tube stations.
- Different ways of representation. How to choose the most suitable representation. Information we can obtain from a particular representation.
- Skeletal formula principle, explanation and examples.
- Why sometimes we need 3D models.
- Which model to choose if you want to see how many bonds are between atoms in a molecule?
- Why a molecular formula is not a convenient way to describe a molecule?
Count how many atoms of each type are in different molecules (from structural models).