How to ignite a candle with a battery
Starting a fire with a battery
Safety precautions
Observe safety measures when working with an open flame and hot objects.
Reagents and equipment
- AA battery;
- a chewing gum wrapper;
- a candle;
- cotton wool;
- scissors.
Step-by-step instructions
Use the scissors to cut the gum wrapper into three even strips. Take one strip and make cuts on both sides to form a 2 mm thick arc. Close the AA battery ‘circuit’ with the silvery side of the wrapper and hold the contraption to the cotton wool. The cotton ignites and lights the candle.
Process description
Batteries are chemical sources of direct current. The gum wrapper is made of paper coated with a thin layer of aluminum. Since aluminum is a good electrical conductor, the wrapper starts conducting electric current when we use it to close the battery circuit. The aluminum heats up, and the paper ignites and lights the cotton, which in turn ignites the candle.