Science Halloween Party – Tips and How-Tos

How to make your Halloween party unforgettable

Hal­loween is com­ing right up, and it’s about time to think about how to cel­e­brate the spook­i­est night of the year! Vam­pires, zom­bies, and witch­es are the ul­ti­mate clas­sics, but af­ter so many years this old hor­ror movie vibe might feel a bit tired… And tired is any­thing but fun. How about a fantab­u­lous sci­ence par­ty where you can both have fun and learn some­thing new? Our team has a few ideas you can use to spice up your Hal­loween par­ty with a pinch of chem­istry!

Dress up…

For a sci­en­cy Hal­loween, choose the sig­na­ture look of a fa­mous sci­en­tist, or per­haps some­thing orig­i­nal like a No­bel Prize or an atom. The best sci­ence cos­tumes are the ones ac­tu­al­ly MADE with sci­ence – and we’ve got a win­ning for­mu­la for you! Make any print you like us­ing chem­istry!

MEL Chem­istry’s “Cyan­otype” kit will help you do this at home. No need to wor­ry about where to get potas­si­um hex­a­cyano­fer­rate(III) or iron(III) am­mo­ni­um sul­fate – ev­ery­thing’s in­clud­ed in the sci­ence kit and test­ed for safe­ty.

Serve some snacks…

How about mak­ing bizarre snacks and drinks to as­ton­ish your guests? Let’s go with a com­plete­ly healthy and safe way to give food an un­nat­u­ral hue with­out chang­ing its taste. Even bet­ter, it’s all-nat­u­ral – it can be found in red basil. Here is a way to make eggs with it; an omelet with these spooky green and pur­ple shades will be per­fect for your Hal­loween spread!

It can be used any­where – the only lim­it is your imag­i­na­tion – but here are some hints on how to make rock can­dy or a sug­ar shake. This isn’t the only way to al­ter your food’s ap­pear­ance. Few think of a fruity taste when eat­ing caviar, and even few­er ex­pect spooky slime to ac­tu­al­ly taste good.

How about some sweet noo­dles? These look like they’ve been boiled in a pot of blood and have a nice fruity taste. And if you love gum­mies, you’ll cer­tain­ly ap­pre­ci­ate soda spaghet­ti!

Dec­o­rate your place…

Snacks and drinks are great and all, but Hal­loween with­out dec­o­ra­tions is too much like an or­di­nary par­ty. But there’s no need to buy a bunch of stuff you’ll only use once a year – you can craft plen­ty of im­pres­sive adorn­ments your­self us­ing chem­istry and physics. And you can al­ways in­vite your guests to drop by ear­ly and lend you a hand – it’s tons of fun! Pump­kins are the cen­ter­pieces of Hal­loween and the whole of Oc­to­ber, and we know sev­er­al ways to por­tray good old Jack-O-Lanterns in a new light. Even green – if you dare.

Mut­ed, cozy light­ing is a must-have as well. Of course, you can just switch on a dim bulb, but there are much more al­lur­ing op­tions. Fill your place with a spooky ghost­ly glow! All you’ll need for that is in­clud­ed in the “Chem­istry and light” set.

A sim­ple lava lamp with sparkling wa­ter and raisins or the col­or­ful fruc­tose kalei­do­scope from the MEL Physics “Po­lar­ized light” set should also do the trick! Sure enough, cre­ativ­i­ty is the best tool in your ar­se­nal; all you’ll need is suit­able sup­plies. Be­lieve it or not, the best op­tion here is the ma­te­ri­al we use to fix bro­ken limbs – plas­ter of Paris. Just com­bine it with gauze and con­struct al­most any fig­ure you want – ghosts are our fa­vorite!

Plas­ter crafts are easy to make with the “Chem­istry of ma­te­ri­als” set! We opt­ed for pen­guins, but the sky’s the lim­it! Play and learn sci­ence at the same time! Oh, and don’t for­get to adapt your dec­o­ra­tions to fit a sin­gle style! Here’s a hint on how to give your plas­tic items a nice pump­kin-ish tan!

And throw your par­ty!

Now, when ev­ery­thing else is ready or in progress, the last and most im­por­tant el­e­ment is in the fore­front – ac­tiv­i­ties for the guests! You want them to be both spooky and sci­en­tif­ic, and also fun for both adults and kids. We’ve got you cov­ered! The MEL Chem­istry course will al­low you to sum­mon oth­er­world­ly be­ings with­out any need for hor­rid rit­u­als. The “Egyp­tian night" “[Chem­istry of mon­sters]"(­istry-sets/chem­istry-of-mon­sters-v3/) and “Chem­istry & light” sets will get you ready and able to with­stand the spook­i­est night of the year!

Don’t wor­ry, these mon­sters won’t bite. MEL Chem­istry sets are thor­ough­ly test­ed and cer­ti­fied for safe­ty. Now it’s time for some cre­ative fun. The “Chem­istry of spies” set will al­low your guests to leave se­cret mes­sages for one an­oth­er – who knows, maybe you’ll help some­one make friends this way!

Don’t let any­one leave your par­ty with­out a mem­o­rable gift! Mak­ing spooky Hal­loween key­chains is easy with the “Etch­ing and Plat­ing” set. You can make any Hal­loween shape you like – ghosts, bugs, and bats will re­mind your friends of the spooka­li­cious night you spent to­geth­er for years to come!

And hey, here’s an of­fer for you – if you or­der a year-long sub­scrip­tion, you’ll pay for just 9 months in­stead of 12!


Is it pos­si­ble to turn a pre­dictable par­ty into an av­enue to learn some­thing new? Sure thing! Prep your Hal­loween cel­e­bra­tion in ad­vance us­ing our tips and kits, and throw the best par­ty in the neigh­bor­hood!