“Home Slimer” experiment

How to make neon Slimer from “Ghostbustbusters”

Who hasn’t dreamed that a char­ac­ter from our fa­vorite film would come out of the screen and join us in real life? In this ex­per­i­ment, we’ll show you how to make Slimer from “Ghost­busters”!

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Don’t let the slime get in your mouth. Af­ter play­ing with slime, you should wash your hands. Store the slime in a clean jar with a lid in a cool place.

Warn­ing! Only un­der adults su­per­vi­sion.

Reagents and equip­ment:

  • sat­u­rat­ed polyvinyl al­co­hol so­lu­tion (200 ml);
  • 1% flu­o­res­cein so­lu­tion;
  • 10% sodi­um tetrab­o­rate so­lu­tion (10 ml);
  • bowl;
  • spat­u­la.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

The eas­i­est recipe for slime Pour 200 ml of polyvinyl al­co­hol so­lu­tion into a bowl. Then add a lit­tle sodi­um tetrab­o­rate so­lu­tion and flu­o­res­cein so­lu­tion. Stir un­til a ho­mo­ge­neous vis­cous mass forms. Af­ter a few min­utes, the mass thick­ens and turns to slime!

Pro­cess­es de­scrip­tion

To polyvinyl al­co­hol, a so­lu­tion of sodi­um tetrab­o­rate Na₂B₄O₇•10Н₂O, also known as bo­rax, is added. When it is stirred, the mix­ture grad­u­al­ly thick­ens and turns into a vis­cous mass – soft rub­ber which can be mold­ed and stretched. Sodi­um tetrab­o­rate in an aque­ous so­lu­tion hy­drolyzes with the for­ma­tion of an al­ka­li and weak boric acid.

The boric acid then con­nects chains of polyvinyl al­co­hol to­geth­er. A cross-linked poly­mer is formed, which is much more vis­cous and slow-mov­ing. The slime has the prop­er­ties of a non-New­to­ni­an flu­id. This is a flu­id which some­times be­haves like a sol­id body, and some­times like a flu­id. These flu­ids are usu­al­ly made from large poly­mer­ic mol­e­cules which do not have very great “ad­he­sion”, and so the mol­e­cules can slide past each oth­er quite freely.