How to make all-natural perfume

Making perfume at home using common ingredients

Be your own per­fumer!

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Do not eat! Do not ig­nite! Do not ap­ply to cloth­ing; the oils will leave greasy marks! Pos­si­ble al­ler­gens.

Reagents and equip­ment

  • small spray bot­tle;
  • 10mL un­scent­ed base oil (such as al­mond oil);
  • or­ange zest;
  • cin­na­mon sticks;
  • anise;
  • glit­ter.

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Pour the base oil in a small spray bot­tle, add some or­ange zest, a cin­na­mon stick, a piece of anise, and glit­ter. Mix thor­ough­ly.

Process de­scrip­tion

As es­sen­tial oils are sol­u­ble in fats, the oils in the or­ange zest, cin­na­mon, and anise dis­solve in the base oil. The process of dis­solv­ing cer­tain sub­stances from a so­lu­tion or dry mix­ture in a suit­able sol­vent is called ex­trac­tion. The pre­vi­ous­ly-un­scent­ed oil now has a pleas­ant nat­u­ral aro­ma. Their light­ness and sub­tle­ty set them apart from al­co­hol-based fra­grances. Ex­per­i­ment by adding what­ev­er you want to the base – for in­stance, vis­it a spice shop or buy your fa­vorite fruits.